Group Training

Heather Macy, Coach - Go Two Feet In

In what areas are you or your group underperforming?

Are you ready to accelerate results?

Our objectives include building confidence, emotional regulation, routines & processes, clear language, unmatched consistency.

This training will consist of:
• Laying intentional bricks to start your day.
• Being at your best when it’s time to be at your best inside of your roundabout.
• Learn how to solve mishaps within your GreenHouse.
• To have elite results inside of a high functioning group

If your team or organization needs a breath of fresh air or if they need a kick in the butt, Coach Macy is just what you need.  She brings her 25 years of college coaching experience into the board room and organization.  Your group will learn from a winning coach the intensity and love that it takes to accomplish anything.  Discipline, accountability, and team work are all the tools needed to build the best in class organization, group, or team.  Coach Macy will bring it for your group.  They will be better for it and for the greater good of the team in a keynote talk.  Through Coach Macy’s keynote talk, your group will function better and you will experience first hand the greater good of the team.

If more in depth team training is required, we offer that opportunity as well.  Coach Macy will implement the ultimate in-team training.  She will narrow the rules of engagement for the organization or team.  Team leaders and followship will be established.  A unified group with a centralized language will be established.  Finally, best practices during team conflict will be addressed.

Set up your consultation now.  I am ready to work with you and your group.